Ticket office proposed closures: have you submitted your objection?

Have you submitted your objection to proposals to close hundreds of station ticket offices? Included in the list are Halifax, Hebden and Tod. The deadline is tomorrow. In other words they went to close all ticket offices in Calderdale. HADRAG has submitted a 7-page objection (see https://hadrag.files.wordpress.com/2023/07/to-consultn-hadragweb-2.pdf ). For most train companies the deadline is tomorrow, Wed 26 July but see below. You can send in your objection to the official watchdog Transport Focus. And for Northern you have until on Friday 28 July at 23.59: Email: ticketoffice.Northern@transportfocus.org.uk

If your response relates to a certain station please include the station name in your response.

Transport Focus is the independent transport user watchdog. If you would like to know more about the consultation process and what happens next please go to transportfocus.org.uk

Click to read HADRAG response